Source code for tftb.generators.tests.test_amplitude_modulations

import unittest
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi
from scipy.signal import argrelmax
from tftb.tests.test_base import TestBase
import tftb.generators.amplitude_modulated as am

[docs]class TestAmplitudeModulated(TestBase):
[docs] def test_amgauss(self): """Test if the gaussian amplitude modulator works correctly.""" time_center = 63 n_points = 128 spread = 10 signal = am.amgauss(n_points, time_center, spread) # parameters of the underlying gaussian function of the form # f(x) = a * exp( (-(x - b) **2) / (2 * (c ** 2))) a, b, c = 1, time_center, spread / np.sqrt(2 * pi) # Integral of a Gaussian is a * c * sqrt( 2 * pi) integral = a * c * np.sqrt(2 * pi) self.assertAlmostEqual(integral, signal.sum()) # Other miscellaneous properties of a Gaussian maximum = argrelmax(signal) self.assertEqual(len(maximum), 1) self.assertEqual(maximum[0][0], time_center - 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(signal[time_center - 1], 1.0) self.assert_is_monotonic_increasing(signal[:(time_center - 1)]) self.assert_is_monotonic_decreasing(signal[(time_center - 1):]) infpl1 = np.floor(b - c).astype(int) - 1 infpl2 = np.floor(b + c).astype(int) self.assert_is_convex(signal[:infpl1]) self.assert_is_concave(signal[infpl1:infpl2]) self.assert_is_convex(signal[infpl2:])
[docs] def test_amexpos(self): """Test exponential amplitude modulation.""" n_points, center, spread = 128, 63, 10.0 one_sided = am.amexpos(n_points, center, spread, kind="unilateral") self.assertEqual(one_sided.max(), 1.0) self.assert_is_monotonic_decreasing(one_sided[center:]) two_sided = am.amexpos(n_points, center, spread) self.assertEqual(two_sided.max(), 1.0) self.assert_is_monotonic_decreasing(two_sided[center:]) self.assert_is_monotonic_increasing(two_sided[:center])
[docs] def test_amrect(self): """Test rectangular amplitude modulation.""" n_points, center, spread = 128, 63, 10.0 signal = am.amrect(n_points, center, spread) self.assertEqual(signal.max(), 1.0) self.assertEqual(signal[center], 1.0) np.testing.assert_allclose(np.unique(signal), [0., 1.0])
[docs] def test_amtriang(self): """Test triangular amplitude modulation.""" n_points, center, spread = 128, 63, 10.0 signal = am.amtriang(n_points, center, spread) self.assertEqual(signal.max(), 1.0) self.assertEqual(signal[center], 1.0) self.assert_is_monotonic_decreasing(signal[center:]) self.assert_is_monotonic_increasing(signal[:center])
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()