Source code for tftb.generators.misc

import numpy as np
from numpy import pi
from math import sqrt
from tftb.generators.amplitude_modulated import amgauss
from tftb.generators.frequency_modulated import fmconst

[docs]def altes(n_points, fmin=0.05, fmax=0.5, alpha=300): """Generate the Altes signal in time domain. :param n_points: Number of points in time. :param fmin: Lower frequency bound. :param fmax: Higher frequency bound. :param alpha: Attenuation factor of the envelope. :type n_points: int :type fmin: float :type fmax: float :type alpha: float :return: Time vector containing the Altes signal samples. :rtype: numpy.ndarray :Examples: >>> x = altes(128, 0.1, 0.45) >>> plot(x) #doctest: +SKIP .. plot:: docstring_plots/generators/misc/ """ g = np.exp((np.log(fmax / fmin)) ** 2 / (8 * np.log(alpha))) nu0 = np.sqrt(fmin * fmax) beta = np.sqrt(2 * np.log(g) * np.log(alpha)) t0 = n_points / (np.exp(beta) - np.exp(-beta)) t1 = t0 * np.exp(-beta) t2 = t0 * np.exp(beta) b = -t0 * nu0 * g * np.log(g) t = np.linspace(t1, t2, n_points + 1)[:n_points] x = np.exp(-(np.log(t / t0) ** 2) / (2 * np.log(g))) * \ np.cos(2 * pi * b * np.log(t / t0) / np.log(g)) x = x / np.linalg.norm(x) return x
[docs]def atoms(n_points, coordinates): """Compute linear combination of elementary Gaussian atoms. :param n_points: Number of points in a signal :param coordinates: matrix of time-frequency centers :type n_points: int :type coordinates: array-like :return: signal :rtype: array-like :Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> coordinates = np.array([[32.0, 0.3, 32.0, 1.0], [0.15, 0.15, 48.0, 1.22]]) >>> sig = atoms(128, coordinates) >>> plot(real(sig)) #doctest: +SKIP .. plot:: docstring_plots/generators/misc/ """ if coordinates.ndim == 1: coordinates = coordinates.reshape((coordinates.shape[0], 1)) signal = np.zeros((n_points,), dtype=complex) n_atoms = coordinates.shape[0] for k in range(n_atoms): t0 = round(np.max((np.min((coordinates[k, 0], n_points)), 1))) f0 = np.max((np.min((coordinates[k, 1], 0.5)), 0.0)) T = coordinates[k, 2] A = coordinates[k, 3] signal += A * amgauss(n_points, t0, T) * fmconst(n_points, f0, t0)[0] return signal
[docs]def doppler(n_points, s_freq, f0, distance, v_target, t0=None, v_wave=340.0): """Generate complex Doppler signal :param n_points: Number of points :param s_freq: Sampling frequency :param f0: Target frequency :param distance: distance from line to observer :param v_target: Target velocity :param t0: Time center :param v_wave: wave velocity. :type n_points: int :type s_freq: float :type f0: float :type distance: float :type v_target: float :type t0: float :type v_wave: float :return: Tuple containing output frequency modulator, output amplitude \ modulator, output instantaneous frequency law. :rtype: tuple :Example: >>> fm, am, iflaw = doppler(512, 200.0, 65.0, 10.0, 50.0) >>> subplot(211), plot(real(am * fm)) #doctest: +SKIP >>> subplot(211), plot(iflaw) #doctest: +SKIP .. plot:: docstring_plots/generators/misc/ """ if t0 is None: t0 = n_points / 2 if distance <= 0.0: raise TypeError("distance must be strictly positive.") elif s_freq < 0.0: raise TypeError("Sampling frequency must be positive.") elif (t0 < 1) or (t0 > n_points): raise TypeError("T0 must be between 1 and n_points") elif (f0 < 0) or (f0 > s_freq / 2): raise TypeError("F0 must be between 0 and s_freq/2") elif v_target < 0: raise TypeError("v_target must be positive") tmt0 = (np.arange(1, n_points + 1) - t0) / s_freq dist = np.sqrt(distance ** 2 + (v_target * tmt0) ** 2) fm = np.exp(1j * 2 * pi * f0 * (tmt0 - dist / v_wave)) if np.abs(f0) < np.spacing(1): am = 0 else: am = 1. / np.sqrt(dist) iflaw = (1 - v_target ** 2 * tmt0 / dist / v_wave) * f0 / s_freq return fm, am, iflaw
[docs]def klauder(n_points, attenuation=10.0, f0=0.2): """Klauder wavelet in time domain. :param n_points: Number of points in time. :param attenuation: attenuation factor of the envelope. :param f0: central frequency of the wavelet. :type n_points: int :type attenuation: float :type f0: float :return: Time row vector containing klauder samples. :rtype: numpy.ndarray :Example: >>> x = klauder(128) >>> plot(x) #doctest: +SKIP .. plot:: docstring_plots/generators/misc/ """ assert n_points > 0 assert ((f0 < 0.5) and (f0 > 0)) f = np.linspace(0., 0.5, int(n_points / 2 + 1)) mod = np.exp(-2. * np.pi * attenuation * f) * f ** (2. * np.pi * attenuation * f0 - 0.5) wave = mod wave[0] = 0 a, b = wave[:int(n_points / 2)], wave[1:int(n_points / 2 + 1)][::-1] wave = np.hstack((a, b)) wavet = np.fft.ifft(wave) wavet = np.fft.fftshift(wavet) x = np.real(wavet) / np.linalg.norm(wavet) return x
[docs]def mexhat(nu=0.05): """Mexican hat wavelet in time domain. :param nu: Central normalized frequency of the wavelet. Must be a real \ number between 0 and 0.5 :type nu: float :return: time vector containing mexhat samples. :rtype: numpy.ndarray :Example: >>> plot(mexhat()) #doctest: +SKIP .. plot:: docstring_plots/generators/misc/ """ assert (nu <= 0.5) and (nu >= 0) n_points = 1.5 alpha = np.pi ** 2 * nu ** 2 n = np.ceil(n_points / nu) t = np.arange(-n, n + 1, step=1) h = nu * sqrt(pi) / 2 * np.exp(-alpha * t ** 2) * (1 - 2 * alpha * t ** 2) return h
[docs]def gdpower(n_points, degree=0.0, rate=1.0): """Generate a signal with a power law group delay. :param n_points: Number of points in time. :param degree: degree of the power law. :param rate: rate-coefficient of the power law GD. :type n_points: int :type degree: float :type rate: float :return: Tuple of time row containing modulated samples, group delay, \ frequency bins. :rtype: tuple """ n_points = int(n_points) degree = float(degree) rate = float(rate) t0 = 0 lnu = int(np.ceil(n_points / 2.0)) nu = np.linspace(0, 0.5, lnu + 1) nu = nu[1:] am = nu ** ((degree - 2.0) / 6.0) if rate == 0.: raise TypeError("rate must be non-zero") tfx = np.zeros((n_points,), dtype=complex) if (degree < 1.) and (degree != 0): d = float(n_points) ** (degree * rate) t0 = n_points / 10.0 tfx[:lnu] = np.exp(-1.0j * 2. * pi * (t0 * nu + d * nu ** degree / degree)) * am x = np.fft.ifft(tfx) elif degree == 0: d = rate t0 = n_points / 10.0 tfx[:lnu] = np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi * (t0 * nu + d * np.log(nu))) * am x = np.fft.ifft(tfx) elif degree == 1.: from tftb.generators.analytic_signals import anapulse t0 = n_points x = anapulse(n_points, t0) elif degree > 1.: d = n_points * 2. ** (degree - 1.) * rate tfx[:lnu] = np.exp(-1.0j * 2.0 * pi * (t0 * nu + d * nu ** degree / degree)) * am x = np.fft.ifft(tfx) else: t0 = n_points / 10 d = n_points * 2.0 ** (degree - 1.0) * rate tfx[:lnu] = np.exp(-1j * 2 * pi * (t0 * nu + d * np.log(nu))) * am x = np.fft.ifft(tfx) if degree != 1.0: gpd = t0 + np.abs(np.sign(rate) - 1.0) / 2.0 * (n_points + 1.0) + d * nu ** (degree - 1.0) else: gpd = t0 * np.ones((n_points / 2.0,)) x = x - x.mean() x = x / np.linalg.norm(x) return x, gpd, nu
if __name__ == "__main__": altes(128) coordinates = np.array([[32.0, 0.3, 32.0, 1.0], [0.15, 0.15, 48.0, 1.22]]) atoms(128, coordinates) doppler(128, 200.0, 65.0, 10.0, 50.0) klauder(128) mexhat() gdpower(128)