Source code for tftb.processing.affine

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# Copyright © 2015 jaidev <jaidev@newton>
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

Bilinear Time-Frequency Processing in the Affine Class.

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import hilbert
from scipy.optimize import brenth, newton
from scipy.interpolate import splrep, splev
from tftb.generators import mexhat, scale
from tftb.processing.utils import integrate_2d
from tftb.processing.base import BaseTFRepresentation
from tftb.utils import nextpow2

[docs]class AffineDistribution(BaseTFRepresentation): isaffine = True
[docs] def __init__(self, signal, fmin=None, fmax=None, **kwargs): super(AffineDistribution, self).__init__(signal, **kwargs) if signal.ndim == 2: self.kind = "cross" self.x1, self.x2 = self.signal[:, 0].copy(), self.signal[:, 1].copy() else: self.kind = "auto" self.x1 = self.x2 = self.signal.copy() self.s1 = np.real(self.x1) self.s2 = np.real(self.x2) self.m = (self.signal.shape[0] + (self.signal.shape[0] % 2)) // 2 if (fmin is None) or (fmax is None): stf1 = np.fft.fft( np.fft.fftshift(self.s1[self.ts.min(): self.ts.max() + 1]) ) stf2 = np.fft.fft( np.fft.fftshift(self.s2[self.ts.min(): self.ts.max() + 1]) ) nstf = stf1.shape[0] sp1 = np.abs(stf1[: int(np.round(nstf / 2))]) ** 2 sp2 = np.abs(stf2[: int(np.round(nstf / 2))]) ** 2 maxsp1 = sp1.max() maxsp2 = sp2.max() f = np.linspace(0, 0.5, np.round(nstf / 2) + 1) if fmin is None: mask = sp1 > maxsp1 / 100 indmin = np.arange(mask.shape[0], dtype=int)[mask.astype(bool)].min() fmin = max([0.01, 0.05 * np.floor(f[indmin] / 0.05)]) if fmax is None: mask = sp2 > maxsp2 / 100 indmax = np.arange(mask.shape[0], dtype=int)[mask.astype(bool)].max() fmax = 0.05 * np.ceil(f[indmax] / 0.05) self.fmax, self.fmin = fmax, fmin = fmax - fmin self.R = / (fmin + fmax) * 2
def _get_nvoices(self): q = ( * self.T * (1 + 2 / self.R) * np.log((1 + self.R / 2) / (1 - self.R / 2)) ) nq = np.ceil(q / 2) nmin = nq - nq % 2 ndflt = 2 ** nextpow2(nmin) self.n_voices = int(ndflt) def _normalize(self): SP1 = np.fft.fft(hilbert(self.s1), axis=0) SP2 = np.fft.fft(hilbert(self.s2), axis=0) indmin = 1 + int(np.round(self.fmin * (self.ts.shape[0] - 2))) indmax = 1 + int(np.round(self.fmax * (self.ts.shape[0] - 2))) sp1_ana = SP1[(indmin - 1): indmax] sp2_ana = SP2[(indmin - 1): indmax] return sp1_ana, sp2_ana def _geometric_sample(self): k = np.arange(1, self.n_voices + 1) self.q = (self.fmax / self.fmin) ** (1 / (self.n_voices - 1)) t = np.arange(1, self.signal.shape[0] + 1) - self.m - 1 geo_f = self.fmin * np.exp((k - 1) * np.log(self.q)) self.geo_f = geo_f tfmatx = np.exp(-2j *, 1), geo_f.reshape(1, -1)) * np.pi) S1 =, self.s1.shape[0]), tfmatx) S2 =, self.s2.shape[0]), tfmatx) S1 = np.append(S1, np.zeros((self.n_voices, ))) S2 = np.append(S2, np.zeros((self.n_voices, ))) return S1, S2 def _mellin_transform(self, S1, S2): p = np.arange(2 * self.n_voices) mellin1 = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft(S1)) mellin2 = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft(S2)) umin = -self.umax du = np.abs(self.umax - umin) / (2 * self.m1) u = np.linspace(umin, self.umax - du, (self.umax - umin) / du) u[int(self.m1)] = 0 self.u = u beta = (p / float(self.n_voices) - 1) / (2 * np.log(self.q)) return beta, mellin1, mellin2
[docs] def plot(self, kind="contour", show_tf=True, threshold=0.05, **kwargs): _thresh = np.amax(self.tfr) * threshold self.tfr[self.tfr <= _thresh] = 0 freq_y = kwargs.pop( "freq_y", np.linspace(self.fmin, self.fmax, self.signal.shape[0] / 2) ) super(AffineDistribution, self).plot( kind=kind, show_tf=show_tf, freq_y=freq_y, **kwargs )
def _get_interpolated_tf(self, tffr): tfr = np.zeros((self.n_voices, self.ts.shape[0])) ts2 = (self.signal.shape[0] - 1) / 2 gamma = np.linspace( -self.geo_f[self.n_voices - 1] * ts2, self.geo_f[self.n_voices - 1] * ts2, 2 * self.m1, ) for i in range(self.n_voices): condition = np.logical_and( gamma >= -self.geo_f[i] * ts2, gamma <= self.geo_f[i] * ts2 ) ind = np.nonzero(np.ravel(condition))[0] x = gamma[ind] y = tffr[i, ind] xi = (self.ts - ts2) * self.geo_f[i] tck = splrep(x, y) tfr[i, :] = splev(xi, tck).ravel() t = self.ts f = self.geo_f.ravel() self.freqs = f sp1_ana, sp2_ana = self._normalize() if self.kind == "auto": multiplier = np.linalg.norm(sp1_ana) ** 2 else: multiplier =, sp2_ana) tfr = tfr * multiplier / integrate_2d(tfr, t, f) / self.n_voices self.tfr = tfr return tfr, t, f
[docs] def run(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Scalogram(AffineDistribution): """Morlet Scalogram. """ name = "scalogram" isaffine = False
[docs] def __init__( self, signal, fmin=None, fmax=None, n_voices=None, waveparams=None, **kwargs ): super(Scalogram, self).__init__(signal, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax) if waveparams is None: waveparams = np.sqrt(signal.shape[0]) if n_voices is None: n_voices = self.signal.shape[0] self.n_voices = n_voices self.waveparams = waveparams s_centered = np.real(self.signal) - np.real(self.signal).mean() self.z = hilbert(s_centered) self.tfr = self.tfr.astype(complex)
[docs] def run(self): f = np.logspace(np.log10(self.fmin), np.log10(self.fmax), self.n_voices) a = np.logspace( np.log10(self.fmax / float(self.fmin)), np.log10(1), self.n_voices ) wt = np.zeros((self.n_voices, self.ts.shape[0]), dtype=complex) if self.waveparams > 0: for ptr in range(self.n_voices): nha = self.waveparams * a[ptr] tha = np.arange(-int(np.round(nha)), int(np.round(nha)) + 1) x = np.exp(-(2 * np.log(10) / (nha ** 2)) * tha ** 2) y = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * f[ptr] * tha) ha = x * y detail = np.convolve(self.z, ha) / np.sqrt(a[ptr]) ix = np.arange( int(np.round(nha)), detail.shape[0] - int(np.round(nha)) + 1, dtype=int, ) wt[ptr, :] = detail[self.ts] detail = detail[ix] self.tfr[ptr, :] = detail[self.ts] * np.conj(detail[self.ts]) elif self.waveparams == 0: for ptr in range(self.n_voices): ha = mexhat(f[ptr]) nha = (ha.shape[0] - 1) / 2 detail = np.convolve(self.z, ha) / np.sqrt(a[ptr]) ix = np.arange( int(np.round(nha)) + 1, detail.shape[0] - int(np.round(nha)) + 1 ) detail = detail[ix] wt[ptr, :] = detail[self.ts] self.tfr[ptr, :] = detail[self.ts] * np.conj(detail[self.ts]) elif isinstance(self.waveparams, np.ndarray): rwav, cwav = self.waveparams.shape if cwav > rwav: self.waveparams = self.waveparams.T wavef = np.fft.fft(self.waveparams, axis=0) nwave = self.waveparams.shape[0] f0 = wavef[ np.abs(wavef[: nwave / 2]) == np.amax(np.abs(wavef[: nwave / 2])) ] f0 = ((f0 - 1) * (1 / nwave)).mean() a = np.logspace( np.log10(f0 / float(self.fmin)), np.log10(f0 / float(self.fmax)), self.n_voices, ) B = 0.99 R = B / (1.001 / 2) nscale = max( [ 128, np.round( (B * nwave * (1 + 2 / R) * np.log((1 + R / 2) / (1 - R / 2))) / 2 ), ] ) wts = scale(self.waveparams, a, self.fmin, self.fmax, nscale) for ptr in range(self.n_voices): ha = wts[ptr, :] nha = ha.shape[0] / 2 detail = np.convolve(self.z, ha) / np.sqrt(a[ptr]) detail = detail[int(np.floor(nha)): (detail.shape[0] - np.round(nha))] wt[ptr, :] = detail[self.ts] self.tfr[ptr, :] = detail[self.ts] * np.conj(detail[self.ts]) # Normalization SP = np.fft.fft(self.z, axis=0) indmin = 1 + int(np.round(self.fmin * (self.signal.shape[0] - 2))) indmax = 1 + int(np.round(self.fmax * (self.signal.shape[0] - 2))) SPana = SP[indmin: (indmax + 1)] self.tfr = np.real(self.tfr) self.tfr *= (np.linalg.norm(SPana) ** 2) / integrate_2d(self.tfr, self.ts, f) self.tfr /= self.n_voices return self.tfr, self.ts, f, wt
[docs]class UnterbergerDistribution(AffineDistribution): name = "unterberger"
[docs] def __init__(self, signal, form="A", fmin=None, fmax=None, n_voices=None, **kwargs): self.form = form super(UnterbergerDistribution, self).__init__( signal, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, n_voices=n_voices, **kwargs ) def umaxunt(x): a = np.sqrt(1 + (x / 2) ** 2) return (a + (x / 2)) / (a - (x / 2)) - self.fmax / self.fmin self.umax = newton(umaxunt, 0) self.m = (self.signal.shape[0] + (self.signal.shape[0] % 2)) // 2 teq = self.m / (self.fmax * self.umax) if teq < 2 * self.m: m0 = int(np.round((2 * self.m ** 2) / teq - self.m)) + 1 m1 = self.m + m0 self.T = 2 * (self.m + m0) - 1 else: m0 = 0 m1 = self.m self.m1 = int(np.round(m1)) if n_voices is None: self._get_nvoices() else: self.n_voices = n_voices
[docs] def run(self): S1, S2 = self._geometric_sample() beta, mellin1, mellin2 = self._mellin_transform(S1, S2) # Computation for lambda dilations/compressions waf = np.zeros((2 * self.m1, self.n_voices), dtype=complex) _x = -(2 * 1j * np.pi * beta + 0.5) for n in range(1, 2 * self.m1 + 1): _y = np.log(np.sqrt(1 + (self.u[n - 1] / 2) ** 2) - self.u[n - 1] / 2) mx1 = np.exp(_x * _y) * mellin1 _y = np.log(np.sqrt(1 + (self.u[n - 1] / 2) ** 2) + self.u[n - 1] / 2) mx2 = np.exp(_x * _y) * mellin2 fx1 = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(mx1))[: self.n_voices] fx2 = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(mx2))[: self.n_voices] waf[n - 1, :] = fx1 * np.conj(fx2) if self.form != "A": waf[n - 1, :] *= 1 / np.sqrt(1 + (self.u[n] / 2) ** 2) waf = np.vstack((waf[self.m1: (2 * self.m1), :], waf[: self.m1, :])) waf *= np.repeat( self.geo_f.reshape((1, self.geo_f.shape[0])), 2 * self.m1, axis=0 ) tffr = np.fft.ifft(waf, axis=0) tffr = np.real( np.rot90( np.vstack((tffr[self.m1: (2 * self.m1 + 1), :], tffr[: self.m1, :])), k=-1, ) ) # conversion from tff to tf using 1d interpolation tfr = np.zeros((self.n_voices, self.ts.shape[0])) ts2 = (self.signal.shape[0] - 1) / 2 gamma = np.linspace( -self.geo_f[self.n_voices - 1] * ts2, self.geo_f[self.n_voices - 1] * ts2, 2 * self.m1, ) for i in range(self.n_voices): condition = np.logical_and( gamma >= -self.geo_f[i] * ts2, gamma <= self.geo_f[i] * ts2 ) ind = np.nonzero(np.ravel(condition))[0] x = gamma[ind] y = tffr[i, ind] xi = (self.ts - ts2 - 1) * self.geo_f[i] tck = splrep(x, y) tfr[i, :] = splev(xi, tck).ravel() t = self.ts f = self.freqs = self.geo_f[: self.n_voices].ravel() sp1_ana, sp2_ana = self._normalize() if self.kind == "auto": multiplier = np.linalg.norm(sp1_ana) ** 2 else: multiplier =, sp2_ana) tfr = tfr * multiplier / integrate_2d(tfr, t, f) / self.n_voices self.tfr = tfr return tfr, t, f
[docs]class DFlandrinDistribution(AffineDistribution): name = "d-flandrin"
[docs] def __init__(self, signal, fmin=None, fmax=None, n_voices=None, **kwargs): super(DFlandrinDistribution, self).__init__( signal, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, n_voices=n_voices, **kwargs ) self.umax = umaxdfla_solve(self.fmax / self.fmin) teq = self.m / (self.fmax * self.umax) if teq < 2 * self.m: m0 = int(round((2 * self.m ** 2) / teq - self.m)) + 1 self.T = 2 * (self.m + m0) - 1 else: m0 = 0 self.m1 = int(np.round(self.m + m0)) if n_voices is None: self._get_nvoices() else: self.n_voices = n_voices
[docs] def run(self): S1, S2 = self._geometric_sample() beta, mellin1, mellin2 = self._mellin_transform(S1, S2) # Computation of Lambda dilations/compressions waf = np.zeros((2 * self.m1, self.n_voices), dtype=complex) for n in range(1, 2 * self.m1 + 1): mx1 = ( np.exp( -(2 * 1j * np.pi * beta + 0.5) * 2 * np.log(1 - self.u[n - 1] / 4) ) * mellin1 ) mx2 = ( np.exp( -(2 * 1j * np.pi * beta + 0.5) * 2 * np.log(1 + self.u[n - 1] / 4) ) * mellin2 ) fx1 = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(mx1))[: self.n_voices] fx2 = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(mx2))[: self.n_voices] waf[n - 1, :] = fx1 * np.conj(fx2) waf = np.vstack((waf[self.m1: (2 * self.m1), :], waf[: self.m1, :])) waf *= np.repeat( self.geo_f.reshape((1, self.geo_f.shape[0])), 2 * self.m1, axis=0 ) tffr = np.fft.ifft(waf, axis=0) tffr = np.real( np.rot90( np.vstack((tffr[self.m1: (2 * self.m1 + 1), :], tffr[: self.m1, :])), k=-1, ) ) # conversion from tff to tf using 1d interpolation return self._get_interpolated_tf(tffr)
[docs]class BertrandDistribution(AffineDistribution): name = "bertrand"
[docs] def __init__(self, signal, fmin=None, fmax=None, n_voices=None, **kwargs): super(BertrandDistribution, self).__init__( signal, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, n_voices=n_voices, **kwargs ) umaxbert = lambda x: np.exp(x) - self.fmax / self.fmin self.umax = brenth(umaxbert, 0, 4) teq = self.m / (self.fmax * self.umax) if teq < self.signal.shape[0]: m0 = int(np.round((2 * self.m ** 2) / teq - self.m)) + 1 m1 = self.m + m0 self.T = 2 * m1 - 1 else: m0 = 0 m1 = self.m self.m1 = m1 if n_voices is None: self._get_nvoices() else: self.n_voices = n_voices
[docs] def run(self): S1, S2 = self._geometric_sample() beta, mellin1, mellin2 = self._mellin_transform(S1, S2) # Computation of P0(t. f, f) waf = np.zeros((2 * int(self.m1), self.n_voices), dtype=complex) for n in np.hstack( (np.arange(1, self.m1 + 1), np.arange(self.m1 + 2, 2 * self.m1 + 1)) ): mx1 = ( np.exp( (-2 * 1j * np.pi * beta + 0.5) * np.log( (self.u[n - 1] / 2) * np.exp(-self.u[n - 1] / 2) / np.sinh(self.u[n - 1] / 2) ) ) * mellin1 ) mx2 = ( np.exp( (-2 * 1j * np.pi * beta + 0.5) * np.log( (self.u[n - 1] / 2) * np.exp(self.u[n - 1] / 2) / np.sinh(self.u[n - 1] / 2) ) ) * mellin2 ) fx1 = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(mx1))[: self.n_voices] fx2 = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(mx2))[: self.n_voices] waf[n - 1, :] = fx1 * np.conj(fx2) waf[self.m1, :] = S1[: self.n_voices] * np.conj(S2[: self.n_voices]) waf = np.vstack((waf[self.m1: (2 * self.m1), :], waf[: self.m1, :])) waf *= np.repeat( self.geo_f.reshape((1, self.geo_f.shape[0])), 2 * self.m1, axis=0 ) tffr = np.fft.ifft(waf, axis=0) tffr = np.real( np.rot90( np.vstack((tffr[self.m1: (2 * self.m1 + 1), :], tffr[: self.m1, :])), k=-1, ) ) # conversion from tff to tf using 1d interpolation return self._get_interpolated_tf(tffr)
[docs]def lambdak(u, k): method_lookup = {"bertrand": 0, "unterberger": -1, "d_flandrin": 0.5, "aspwv": 2} k = method_lookup[k] if k not in (0, 1): y = k * (np.exp(-u) - 1) / (np.exp(-k * u) - 1) y = y ** (1 / (k - 1)) elif k == 1: y = np.exp(1 + u * np.exp(-u) / (np.exp(-u) - 1)) elif k == 0: if u == 0: return 1 y = -u / (np.exp(-u) - 1) return y
[docs]def smoothed_pseudo_wigner( signal, timestamps=None, K="bertrand", nh0=None, ng0=0, fmin=None, fmax=None, n_voices=None, ): """smoothed_pseudo_wigner :param signal: :param timestamps: :param K: :param nh0: :param ng0: :param fmin: :param fmax: :param n_voices: :type signal: :type timestamps: :type K: :type nh0: :type ng0: :type fmin: :type fmax: :type n_voices: :return: :rtype: """ xrow = signal.shape[0] if timestamps is None: timestamps = np.arange(signal.shape[0]) if nh0 is None: nh0 = np.sqrt(signal.shape[0]) tcol = timestamps.shape[0] mt = signal.shape[0] x1 = x2 = signal.copy() s1 = np.real(x1) s2 = np.real(x2) m = (mt + np.remainder(mt, 2)) / 2 if (fmin is None) or (fmax is None): stf1 = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(s1[timestamps.min(): timestamps.max() + 1])) stf2 = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(s2[timestamps.min(): timestamps.max() + 1])) nstf = stf1.shape[0] sp1 = np.abs(stf1[: int(np.round(nstf / 2))]) ** 2 sp2 = np.abs(stf2[: int(np.round(nstf / 2))]) ** 2 maxsp1 = sp1.max() maxsp2 = sp2.max() f = np.linspace(0, 0.5, np.round(nstf / 2) + 1)[: int(np.round(nstf / 2))] if fmin is None: mask = sp1 > maxsp1 / 100 indmin = np.arange(mask.shape[0], dtype=int)[mask.astype(bool)].min() fmin = max([0.01, 0.05 * np.floor(f[indmin] / 0.05)]) if fmax is None: mask = sp2 > maxsp2 / 100 indmax = np.arange(mask.shape[0], dtype=int)[mask.astype(bool)].max() fmax = 0.05 * np.ceil(f[indmax] / 0.05) B = fmax - fmin R = B / ((fmin + fmax) / 2) ratio = fmax / fmin umax = np.log(ratio) teq = nh0 / (fmax * umax) if teq > 2 * nh0: m0 = (2 * nh0 ** 2) / teq - nh0 + 1 else: m0 = 0 mu = np.round(nh0 + m0) T = 2 * mu - 1 if n_voices is None: nq = np.ceil((B * T * (1 + 2 / R) * np.log((1 + R / 2) / (1 - R / 2))) / 2) nmin = nq - nq % 2 ndflt = 2 ** nextpow2(nmin) n_voices = int(ndflt) k = np.arange(1, n_voices + 1) q = ratio ** (1 / (n_voices - 1)) a = np.exp((k - 1) * np.log(q)) geo_f = fmin * a # Wavelet decomposition computation matxte1 = np.zeros((n_voices, tcol), dtype=complex) matxte2 = np.zeros((n_voices, tcol), dtype=complex) _, _, _, wt1 = Scalogram( s1, time_instants=timestamps, waveparams=nh0, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, n_voices=n_voices, ).run() _, _, _, wt2 = Scalogram( s2, time_instants=timestamps, waveparams=nh0, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, n_voices=n_voices, ).run() for ptr in range(n_voices): matxte1[ptr, :] = wt1[ptr, :] * np.sqrt(a[n_voices - ptr - 1]) matxte2[ptr, :] = wt2[ptr, :] * np.sqrt(a[n_voices - ptr - 1]) umin = -umax u = np.linspace(umin, umax, 2 * mu + 1) u = u[: (2 * mu)] u[mu] = 0 p = np.arange(2 * n_voices) beta = (p / float(n_voices) - 1) / (2 * np.log(q)) l1 = l2 = np.zeros((2 * mu, 2 * n_voices), dtype=complex) for m in range(l1.shape[0]): l1[m, :] = np.exp(-2 * np.pi * 1j * beta * np.log(lambdak(u[m], K))) l2[m, :] = np.exp(-2 * np.pi * 1j * beta * np.log(lambdak(-u[m], K))) # Calculate time smoothing window if ng0 == 0: G = np.ones((2 * mu)) else: a_t = 3 sigma_t = ng0 * fmax / np.sqrt(2 * a_t * np.log(10)) a_u = 2 * np.pi ** 2 * sigma_t ** 2 * umax ** 2 / np.log(10) G = np.exp(-(a_u * np.log(10) / mu ** 2) * np.arange(-mu, mu) ** 2) waf = np.zeros((2 * mu, n_voices)) tfr = np.zeros((n_voices, tcol)) S1 = S2 = np.zeros((2 * n_voices, ), dtype=complex) mx1 = mx2 = np.zeros((2 * n_voices, 2 * mu)) for ti in range(tcol): S1[:n_voices] = matxte1[:, ti] mellin1 = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft(S1)) mx1 = l1 * mellin1.reshape(1, mellin1.shape[0]).repeat(2 * mu, 0) mx1 = np.fft.fft(mx1, axis=0) tx1 = mx1[:n_voices, :].T S2[:n_voices] = matxte2[:, ti] mellin2 = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft(S2)) mx2 = l2 * mellin2.reshape(1, mellin2.shape[0]).repeat(2 * mu, 0) mx2 = np.fft.fft(mx2, axis=0) tx2 = mx2[:n_voices, :].T waf = np.real(tx1 * np.conj(tx2)) * G.reshape(G.shape[0], 1).repeat( n_voices, axis=1 ) tfr[:, ti] = np.sum(waf) * geo_f t = timestamps f = geo_f # Normalization sp1 = np.fft.fft(hilbert(s1)) sp2 = np.fft.fft(hilbert(s2)) indmin = 1 + int(np.round(fmin * (xrow - 2))) indmax = 1 + int(np.round(fmax * (xrow - 2))) sp1_ana = sp1[indmin: (indmax + 1)] sp2_ana = sp2[indmin: (indmax + 1)] xx =, np.real(sp2_ana)) xx +=, np.imag(sp2_ana)) tfr = tfr * xx / integrate_2d(tfr, t, f) / n_voices return tfr, t, f
[docs]def umaxdfla_solve(ratio): coeffs = [(1 - ratio) / 16, (1 + ratio) / 2, 1 - ratio] roots = np.roots(coeffs) return np.min(np.abs(roots - 0))
if __name__ == "__main__": from tftb.generators import altes import matplotlib.pyplot as plt sig = altes(64, 0.1, 0.45) tfr, timestamps, frequencies = smoothed_pseudo_wigner(sig) tfr = np.abs(tfr) ** 2 threshold = np.amax(tfr) * 0.05 tfr[tfr <= threshold] = 0 plt.imshow(tfr, aspect="auto", origin="bottomleft", extent=[0, 64, 0, 0.5])